Hi, I’m Sumin Hong. I am a research intern in Data Mining Lab at Seoul National University. I am advised by Prof. U Kang. I received B.S. in Computer Science at Korea Aerospace University.
B.S. Computer Science
Korea Aerospace University, Korea (Mar. 2013 ~ Feb. 2018)
Graduate with Honors (Cum Laude)
Work Experience
SonicTier, Gyeonggi Regional Research Center
- IOS developer (Aug. 2017 ~ Dec.2017)
- SonicPlay : Binaural Video Player & Editor
Smart Lab, Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Science
- Software Engineer (Jun.2016 ~ Sep.2016)
- Software library for controlling PSoC shield
Integrated Media Systems Center, University of Southern California
- Summer Intern (Jul.2015 ~ Aug.2015)
- MediaQ project
Honors and Awards
JungSeok Scholarship
merit based, Korea Aerospace University (2013 ~ 2017)
Gwacheon-si Scholarship
merit based, Gwacheon-si Scholarship Foundation (2013 ~ 2017)
Extracurricular Activities
Member of NEXTERS1
- Mobile Application Development & Server Development (Jan.2016 ~ Feb.2017)
Hanium Big Project2
- IoT Project (Apr.2015 ~ Dec.2015)
Teaching Experience
Teaching Assistant, Korea Aerospace University
Subject : Data Structure (Spring 2017, SW3203)
Tutor, Korea Aerospace University
Subject : C Programming Language (Fall 2015, SW3106)
Tutor, Korea Aerospace University
Subject : Discrete Mathematics (Spring 2015, SW3101)
Technical Skills
- C/C++, Java, Python, SQL, React Native, Swift
- Tensorflow, MySQL, Android Studio, Xcode, Git